Thursday, September 4, 2008

sick + fall tv = ANTM cycle 11

So the short version is I am sick. The longer version is that my sick is mysterious and unexplained. I've been nauseous for two days and it's reached the point where I literally cannot eat. Is it a stomach flu? Related to my TMJ? Body full of malignant tumors? Who knows. I'm going to go to some kind of doctor soon though because I can't live on water alone for very long.

In lieu of being perpetually bed ridden, can I please talk to you about America's Next Top Model? I very rarely watch "reality" television but, call my crazy, I was really curious to see how our girl, Isis, would fare as the first official transwoman in the competition.

The good news is that she is fucking awesome. I was shocked to discover that she is pre-op. I honestly never considered the possibility that she'd be anything but post because, being the pessimist I am, I didn't think the world was ready. The bad news, of course, is that the world is so not ready but, really, it's never going to be. Cue Isis to just be the most demure, confident, honest, and classy girl in the competition. Just because the world isn't ready for her doesn't mean she isn't going to put herself out there and demand to be respected. Girl knows her craft too. She knows how to find her light and she can walk way better than any of these other bitches.

It was hard hearing her talk about how she wishes she could have GRS today if she could because, like many of you, I'm growing very weary of being looked upon and thusly feeling like a birth defect. I totally get wanting a vagina, obviously, since I've mentioned like a zillion times that I'm totally on the V Train but I wish there weren't so much focus put on that aspect of her being a transsexual.

I can't blame Isis though. Girl knows what she wants. I do, however, take huge issue with the girls who went out of their way to torment her. In the middle of her shoot these catty, classless whores were saying "better shave that beard" and all other sorts of slanderous and transphobic things. Do you realize you are on network television, ladies? Your families must be so ashamed of you for acting so hateful and ignorantly in frot of millions of people.

That is to speak nothing of the scene by the hot tub where two of the contestants felt it important to not only insist that they are justified in feeling uncomfortable around a transsexual but that the concept of people like us getting shot in the street isn't bigoted... it's traditional. I shit. you. not. How do these degenerates expect to function in the fashion industry of all places with an attitude like that?

But the good news is that Isis is amazing. She has no agenda whatsoever other than to be a great model and I find that refreshing. If people ask her questions, she'll answer but girl's eyes are on the prize. Even if you've never watched America's Next Top Model before, I think you should seriously check it out. Isis is a star and just watching how strong she is will make you feel good. Here she is looking fabulous:


Lori D said...

I agree, Isis is more than a pretty face. What shows her strength is just last year she was living in a homeless shelter. And already she's showing a strength that I saw missing with every other model.

Honestly, it was the first time I've ever watched the show, but as long as Isis continues to do a fantastic job of just being herself, I'll keep watching.

Renee said...

If you've never watch ATNM, then you're missing part of it's so-called appeal: The show's drama is entirely derived from the judges brutalizing the contestants, and the contestants taking that out on each other in catty little vignettes. Having seen a few episodes going in, I was absolutely terrified for Isis...she was going to be raw meat in front of two different packs of wolves. Fortunately, she's got her shit together enough to awe the judges, and to not let the other contestants get the better of far anyway.

Still, it's a hard show to watch. The modeling industry is ridiculously mean-spirited. Maybe Isis will emerge from it a solid role-model and spokesperson for our community, but I'm still not sure why anyone would want to be a supermodel.

Bitsy said...

You're absolutely right, Renee. What happened during the photo shoot was a perfect example of the contestants doing what they always do: emotionally manipulating each other in order to stay ahead. As much as that sucks, it didn't surprise me.

What did throw me off guard, however, was how cavalier two of the contestants were in passing off the murder of a certain type of human being as "traditional" and, presumably, acceptable in their minds. That was said out of earshot of Isis. It wasn't to manipulate a person it was simply a belief that they both held: that you, I, Isis, and everyone like us are not human enough to deserve to continue to draw breath.

I hope Isis is ready. I don't know if I could take that kind of abuse on national television every week. I assume she wants to be a model because it feels natural to her. She seems very skilled and natural to that career. There's isn't enough money in the world that would get me to put myself out there that way. She's got the gift though and I'm glad that, thus far, she's got the strength to go with it.

Dana Longley said...
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Unknown said...

I've only seen snippets of this show (my gf watches it, I just can't stomach it for the most part, even with a TG participant), but the worst part, unfortunately, is that chances are, the families of those girls making the transphobic and pro-violence comments on national tv hold the same bigoted opinions.

But I'm so glad to hear that there are brave and outgoing people like Isis putting themselves out there in the public eye and creating positive role models.

rackoo said...

I am a huge top model fan and I thought the premiere of this episode was one of the best tv episodes ever!

Along with Isis, there are a few other GREAT girls on the show. I was pleasantly surprised that Isis seemed to have more supporters than detractors (amongst the finalists). And... the biggest bigot was kicked off first! It was so uplifting!

Some other girls to root for:

Elina - an AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL girl from Seattle who is vegan and bisexual and so progressive and open-minded. She said she only wears pants because they aren't gendered!

Mckey - she's a really cute tomboyish girl from illinois who is into boxing and cage fighting! i found the fighter schtick annoying at first but she is SO nice and cute. when she and isis were in the pool isis was talking about her situation being like a "second puberty" and mckey told her "you're like a butterfly"!! best moment of the show!

Marjorie - she's a cute little punkish girl from san francisco. she was also really supportive of isis but she has soooo much social anxiety. i've dealt with that too and i'm a big fan. i don't think she'll make it long though.

Sheena - she's the hip-hop asian girl from harlem. she's funny and obviously smart and has a great attitude. she was supportive of isis and said she admired her!

some of the girls didn't get much tv time yet but they all look like great personalities. they're a much smarter and diverse group than last year.

i know some people think tyra banks and top model are vapid, but not everything should be completely serious. it's less vapid than batman and sports and almost any tv show. give it a chance if this isn't something you normally watch. yes, it's a modelling competition but you'll find it's not about who is skinniest and prettiest (even though, yes, you have to be skinny and pretty) but about the model's personalities and drive.

this is THE BIGGEST step forward for transgendered people in cultural history so far. thank you tyra banks and top model for being so progressive and supportive!

i can't wait for the makeover show!!!!!!!!!!!!

Renee said...

You're right Bitsy...what those two girls said poolside was disgusting. And it was genius of the editors to leave it in. I love it when our enemies make themselves unlikeable.

On a sidenote, I think the term "fierce" has worn itself out. Not only is it overused, but it already seems dated to me. I cringe every time Tyra lets slip with it, which is often.

Jrrrl, it'll be tough for you to convince me that Top Model is less vapid than just about anything else in the world. There's entertainment value, to be sure, but it's a not-that-well-produced reality show about an ugly industry notorious for chewing up its cash cows and spitting them out. It's practically the definition of the word "vapid". Does that mean that Tyra and/or some of the contestants aren't people of character? Not at all. But I certainly wouldn't compare the show to something like Batman, which love it or hate it, has legitimate artistic merit.

As far as Isis goes, she is going to open some eyes up to the plight of transgendered folks. And it seems like she has real emotional resonance behind her beautiful exterior. But I worry too that her beauty and demeanor creates unreasonable expectations both inside and outside the TG community. It's too early to say, but I'm definitely rooting for her.

Anonymous said...

Of course, ANTM just has to be scheduled to clash with the new episodes of 'Project Runway' and 'Top Design' (at least with the satellite schedule I get) so I missed it this week. I guess next week I'll be watching ANTM first, and then catching the repeats of PR and TD later. Oh well, Wednesday always was my trashy Reality TV night anyway.

Sounds like it is going to be a very interesting season from the above comments.

Heathercam said...

Isn't ATM just a publicly sanctioned catfight? I don't know why Isis or anyone would subject themselves to that - or any other exploitive reality tv. But I guess that's just me.
As for the transphobic stuff, I think it's less about transphobia than the more general reality show themes of jealousy & neurosis. The other girls are looking for a button they can push so they naturally - and unimaginatively - go for the "trans" button. sigh. That's why I can't watch any reality TV. It brings out the worst in all of us. I'm trying to improve my character flaws, not indulge them. I can't watch, but that's just me.
I hope this public spotlight is as positive for Isis as she clearly counts on it to be. She is inspiring. I just fret that if it doesn't turn out well, the whole inspiration thing could backfire horribly.
Hope they quickly find what's up with your stomach & that it doesn't require any drastic dietary changes or anything. Although after just water, even oatmeal would be an improvement. Feel better sweetheart.