Thursday, September 18, 2008

go lightly in to hell

I've officially lost over ten pounds. I have to tell you, if you can help it, don't need a colonoscopy. The prep for it is more than a little hellish. Also? Don't get Chron's disease because you lose like a third of your body weight. I haven't been this thin since I was like fifteen. Yeah... yeah. Yup. Uh huh. Hoo boy.

Think fondly of me for the next 24 hours or so, alright? I am really not doing so awesome and there's a good chance that this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Julie-Anne said...

Crohn's is really a manageable condition. Don't get too worked up over this. If it was really that bad, you'd be admitted to the hospital right now.

Now, get some sleep, or if do some writing. :-)

Luka said...

Honey, when you went and got yourself a Posh Beckham hairstyle, you didn't have to go adopting her eating habits at the same time. Make sure you get enough to drink – apple juice is fine and will give you some energy. And don't worry, we're thinking of you and waiting for your next update.

In the mean time, here's a video to set things in the right perspective. Now lie back, close your eyes and think of David Tennant.

Jamie said...

So basically your body is currently eating away at your muscle and waistline whilst your metabolism is slowing down so much that when you do eat something again it's going to convert every calorie it can into fat, which your estrogen-drenched system is going to store in your butt and boobs?

Your strategy for soliciting my sympathy needs work. Much work.

(Not really but see this silver lining? See it? No? What if I wrap it around your neck and choke you with it? Oh you DO see it. Good girl.)

strongback said...

I always think fondly of you Bitsy. Things will look up soon. I mean the law of averages says so, You probably got enough good things coming to last you a couple of lifetimes.

Luka, I love the fotc, nobody really talks about em really funny and good mucisions. Cant wait to to see the new season

Heathercam said...

I trust by now all the poking and prodding is in the past. I've been through some of these procedures, and while no fun, my anticipation made the actual event sort of underwhelming - helped no doubt by the drugs. I hope it was the same way for you. May this ordeal enable your doctors to find the quickest way to get you right as rain again.
Warmest thoughts.

Luka said...

So what did the tests show? It's been more like 72 hours now, and I'm not sure how much longer we can think fondly when you're keeping us in suspense like this. ;)