Monday, September 8, 2008

she's only sixteen

I'm totally listening to No Doubt while I type this because, oh mah GOD you guys... my mom is like a total bitch! Seriously, today was a total time warp for me. Sometimes I forget I'm old because my family has this tendency to treat me like I'm still in high school (hence my rocking out to Gwen Stefani). Granted I'm kind of due because I can get a little teenage drama especially since I'm hormonally out of whack these last few days.

So, like, anyways you guys... my mom was like totally coming up in my room and giving me shit because I was going to go to my endocrinlogist's today. She was all "I don't want you seeing him" and I was all "Idunwanyougointoseehimblahblahblah" because see I was imitating her and stuff. It was funny. Anyway so she was all "I'll take steps if you go" and I was all "I'm goin to take a shower MOM and when I come out of the shower I am going to dress like the biggest whore!!!!"

Ok. Are you getting tired of this? Me too. The story does read mostly like that. My mother thought that, since I was sick, I shouldn't get my scheduled injection but, since she was telling me and not asking me, I kind of flipped out. The end result of which was hurt feelings all around but an agreement to go to therapy together. I left a message on this doctor's machine but he hasn't called me back. I suddenly got a surge of self righteous anger and decided it was time to stake a claim over my own body, whatever that means. So I glammed it up in that not really that glamorous way that I do, threw my house keys in my mother's face declaring I was done, and stormed out of the house.

Then I came crawling back a few hours later because I'm still really sick and I kind of don't actually have a way to function right now since I, you know, can't eat. It was awesome.

That was my teenage style day. Tomorrow morning I'm hanging out with a gastrointerologist. I have so many doctor boyfriends! I'm like totally the other woman. Shower me with shiny things, doctor boyfriends. I demand it.


Wyrdsystyr said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile now after finding you from riftgirl's blog. You are a sweetheart! I'm glad you're seeing your MDs about this illness. Get healthy and get away from your toxic family! (Whatever the cause, I'm sure your stressful situation is making it worse!) Poor dear, I'd adopt you myself, if I had any space for you!!!! You could be the sweet trannie-child I never had! (sigh, feeling motherly and supportive)


Pine Point Memoirs said...

Girl, you really rocked that sparkly dress with your runway 'tude (and snowman). AWEsome. You look so good, I felt some serious jealousy there. That dress is HOT on you.

Good for you on staking claim to your bod! Enjoy all your doc boyfriends -


Pine Point Memoirs said...

Oh sorry, yeah, I'm referring to your YouTube video (of course).


Jamie said...

Hello Lily I have also been stalking, er, *reading*, your blog for a while.

The only way to deal with mothers like that is to start dating the bad boy at school. You know, that cute guy Mark with the awesome motorbike who's always cutting classes and who got suspended that one time last year when he told Mr Macintosh to "shove it"? Sure he drinks and smokes and gets into fights but it's not his fault, he's just misunderstood! *Sigh* and his eyes are so dreamy...

Oh wait, Mark's 36 now and works as an insurance broker and has that bitch wife who looks 20 even though she's popped 3 kids out already.

I'm so lonely!

Wait, how did we get here? That's not what I came here to say....

Oh! Doctors. I hope you are seeing one to do some cancer tests and figure out why your nips are bleeding (probably just a chaffing bra) so you can put your mind at ease. I worried on and off that I had cancer for 5 or 6 years because I didn't get it checked out. Turned out the symptom was caused by something super-minor and easily fixed. Don't repeat my mistakes!

Unless they are with Mark.

- Jamie