Thursday, September 11, 2008

job woes

Oh, what the hell...

I'm so tired of having no job and no hope for ever having a job I might like. I was so enthusiastic because io9 had two paid internships available. I thought there was no way I could get turned down for that. I mean I've been blogging for ages, I'm the hugest nerd in nerd land, and one of the main editors is a trans woman. What a perfect job. I guess my cover letter was just way too excited plus they probably thought I was too old to be an intern.

I'm just dying inside. I don't want to go back to just doing customer service work. I think I have a really natural, intelligent, and humorous writing style and nothing would make me happier than to have the opportunity to use it professionally. Am I too old to try to change careers though? I feel like I have so much working against me. The io9 job felt like it just fell in my lap, a perfect foot in the door and I blew it.

I wouldn't care so much if everything else in my life was always constantly falling apart. I just needed this one thing to go my way. This year keeps getting worse and worse. I'm kind of less sick, at least, but I'm having an upper endoscopy just so the doctor can check things out. Blah.

I'm getting my hair cut today. It's too long, all one length, ratty, and unmanageable. I'm thinking of going short. Here's Maggie Gylenhaal rocking what I'm going to go for:

Hopefully having short hair won't make me look more manly than I already do. I'd at least like my hair to cheer me up for once in my life. I really need it. I need something to go my way, even if it's something minor, you know. Can we rest, Buffy? Can we rest?


Anonymous said...

Honey, I'm like a year older than you, and I'm switching careers and going through the old transition thingy too, so if I can do it, so can u!!!!


Vulnavia Morbius said...

Have you considered temping? Unfortunately, the easiest way to land a job is to know someone, which can be a problem if you're a hermit. Temping can give you an in--and a paycheck--while you look for a good situation.

Of course, I don't have any idea of what your education and work experience is. So this is just a thought.

Luka said...

Unfortunately my experience of hermits is limited to Life of Brian, but I've heard starting your own religion can be good business. Hey, it worked for L. Ron Hubbard!

Pine Point Memoirs said...

I'm 39 and have been pretty much constantly going through career changes since I could work. Got stuck in retail for YEARS, but have a BS degree in Counseling! Started grad school last year in counseling, quit. Back to the drawing board - but you know what? I used to always think I was "too old" also, but I am almost 40 and PSYCHED to be looking at change. They say the average person goes through 3 career changes in their lifetime.
I also understand being rejected for my "dream job". I strongly believe that things happen for a reason, and we usually can't see that reason at ALL until much later. I think better things are in store for you my dear.. your writing is wonderful and engaging and keeps us all coming back to check out your blog.
You rock.



strongback said...

I always say its easier to find a job when you already have a job. Sometimes I believe unemployment is like kryptonite to employers. Employers have to pay more unemployment I believe when your unemployed. And with all the belt tightening, if they see you have been unemployed for a year they tend to get a little more worried.

I hate to say this, but maybe you need to take something you dont like for a little while to be, or atleast seem more employable. I could be totaly wrong but I have seen it before. I felt I needed to do that and did.(If you think I wanted to drive a schoolbus you would be wrong)I also felt I needed my own business but thats neither here nor there. And just getting out of the house, and doing something productive can be very uplifting to your spirits. Plus it can give you a little more confidence so you don't seem so desperate to a employer too. Maybe go to the state ran job employment centers and or websites. You might find something good or atleast better than sitting around with nothing to do other than entertain us.

I have all the confidence that you could be a writer or something that uses your artistic abilities, but you might need to shake the rust off first figuratively speaking ofcourse. You can do it. Cause gosh darn it your good enough,smart enough, pretty enough, and we like you.

Julie-Anne said...

I left a job I loved last February to move to Montreal. I finally started a new job last week, which I fucking hate. It's still retail, but everything is totally different.

Nevertheless, it's going to be paying my bills (or helping pay, as they fucking cut my hours next week, so I get to look for a second job).

But I'm going back to school. I'm taking night courses so I can get into a decent nursing program.

If you really want something, and work hard to get it, you can get it.

Jamie said...

Oh you are far to old to change careers. I mean, no-one ever does anything over the age of 25. Didn't you get the memo? The committee should have sent you one. I'll look into it.

riftgirl said...

I don't think you can say you "blew it." The internship, I mean. There are a myriad of reasons why things like that don't go through. At least, that's what I keep telling myself... especially since I don't seem to be able to attract the attention of a single LGBT or trans non-profit outfit. (And here I thought I might be a catch.) All I can say is try to keep the faith and keep sending those resumes out there. And speaking as someone who earns her rent via writing, be careful what ya wish for... But we'll do okay, Lily, I'm sure of it.

And I can't wait to see the new 'do!! I had my hair short last year, chopped it all off around May '07. Women complimented it all the time; all the guys I know kept saying they missed it long. One day I'd love to know what it's like to have long locks, but my hair doesn't seem to grow out past my shoulders, anyway. And I think your inspiration's style always looks fabulous. Chop, chop!!