Wednesday, August 6, 2008

wag of the finger, tip of the hat

A recent curiosity turned into outrage over the absolutely vile behavior of some women on a particular forum that shall go nameless. It was bad enough that a fellow transwoman was being accused of being an impostor but, upon further examination, it seems that much of this entire site is dedicated to bashing on one's own kind. I had thought that the absolute humiliation we all experience would breed, you know, humility. Apparently though, some of our sisters in stealth seem to think that their shit doesn't stink.

Since when does anyone inside or outside of this community have the right to dictate how a transsexual woman should behave, what she should look like, think like, or be in any sense of the word? Since when did the word "success" become inexorably linked with something so arbitrary as passing? Some of us can't pass! Does that preclude us from the ability to be successful? I'm real sorry that I didn't come to terms with my identity until I was nearly thirty. I'm sorry I don't have a favorable bone structure or body type for transition. Even if I had thirty grand lying around I don't even know if I would opt for blowing all that money on FFS because, crazy me, I think there might be more to life than having a pretty face. I don't have a light sing songy voice and when I wear heels I have a tendency to fall flat on my ass. So what?

What really gets me though is that it's not simply the denial that one can be successful without being some charm school ninny, it's that the very right to be considered transsexual gets called into question. I saw someone referred to as a "glorified, full time crossdresser". Why? It was because her face was "manly". "Why didn't she get FFS?" so many wondered? Maybe it's because she feels confident when she looks in the mirror. Just because you think someone is all dude all the time doesn't mean they aren't perfectly happy with themselves.

This is why, even if I had a penny to my name, I'd be hard pressed to have much in the way of surgery. I'd like to not have a giant, pointy adam's apple and I'd like a shiny new vagingo. That's it. No muss, no fuss. Sure, anyone taking even a cursory glance at me would recommend breast augmentation, FFS, and who knows what else. The thing is, those surgeries wouldn't make me feel any better. My pain comes from the inside, from being abandoned by friends and family, from the years of denial and shame. Surgery won't make that go away. I hate looking in the mirror and seeing a man stare back at me. It frustrates me that I get dirty looks, stares, and stifled laughter as I walk down the street or take the subway. What really hurts though is the damage already done. Even if I were gorgeous I would still be miserable because I hate myself. I blame myself for the unhappiness of others. I see myself as a failure not because I don't pass but because I'm too weak to try and make anything from myself by even taking one step out the front door.

If, one shiny day, I live in my own place, have full time work, am a full time girl, and lead a happy existence; only then will I consider additional surgeries. If I do it then I won't be doing it so I can feel normal or successful but simply because it's what I want and not what others expect of me. It's a scary world out there full of hardships and complications, the last thing we as a community should be doing is insulting each other and making up arbitrary rules for how to be a real transsexual. There are no rules. You are who you are and no one can take that away from you but yourself.

On a personal note: thanks to all of you in the blogosphere and on You Tube for being so kind. I'm so sorry if you wrote me and I haven't responded. I'm terribly depressed and unsure of how to take the next important steps in my life. I'm still here though for each and every one of you. You'll never receive anything but love and compassion here, no judgments.


Lori D said...

Though I'm a huge proponent of us rallying together as one voice for this community, I know firsthand what it feels like to be burned by those who would somehow marginalize or categorize you because you haven't transitioned full time, had SRS, FFS, or some other "truly transsexual" experience. I now choose those in my "inner circle" more cautiously, but once inside, they have the reigns of my heart. There are those gems out me.

Julie-Anne said...

This kind of self-hate that the trans community tends to do to itself is not new. It shocked me seven years ago when I first transitioned and it still shocks me now. What I wouldn't give to get rid of it.

Don't blame yourself for the unhappiness of others. There's virtually nothing you can do. It wasn't your fault that our biology got majorly fucked up.

I've been as depressed as you are, and I never forget what I've had to go through. I'm here if you, or anyone else wants to talk.

Renee said...

I'm one of those people who feels like we're a little too easy on some of our sisters out there. As a group, our lowest common denominators bring us down. Since we can't revoke membership, the best we can hope to do is police bad behavior and correct where we see it.

Of course, not being able to pass is not one of those bad behaviors. Being assholes and criticizing another trans-woman for not being able to pass is. If you're one of these people, do us all a favor and drop into "stealth" and away from the community...your high school antics and bad attitudes are making it harder for the rest of us to gain acceptance and feel good about ourselves.

(Of course, I know no one at this blog fits that description, but this pisses me off to no end)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bitsy,

I can for sure sympathize with what you said. There's nothing worse than transwomen who put down other transwomen for not passing well. There can be so much nastiness at times among us, it can really be depressing.

Also, hang in there! I'm also a young, struggling with life and passing and whatnot transsexual, and know what you are going through. Don't let the bastards (i.e. annoying passier than thou stealth women) keep you down!

Vulnavia Morbius said...

I know at least one transsexual who was completely passable before her FFS. Why did she get it? She claims to have been unsatisfied with here looks, but her personality is the type that views FFS as a kind of rite of passage. She's keeping up with the joneses. This seems crazy to me. To each his or her own, I guess, but she's joined the "trannier than thou" crowd and I can't even look at her anymore.

I've been saying this for years: It's more important to be kind and tolerant than it is to be "passable." But then, kindness has always been outranked by many baser tendencies, much to our sorrow as a culture.


strongback said...

Bitsy,I hope you find the courage you need, to venture out and do the things you need to, to make yourself feel whole and good about yourself. Because you seem to have such a kind and gentle spirit. Not to mention a great sense of humor. Thats just bursting to to be seen. That it would be a waste not to be able to share it more with people in person. So you can hear their laugh and see their smile. After one of your jokes or observations of course, or maybe a quiky little jig. Or to show off you long scarf cum head dress.You seem to have so much more to give, and be able to recieve. Good thing about tommorow, is that there are always more chances. But its even better when you can do them today. I hope you will. And we can see some more of your true potential,and you two. I look forward to seeing you do it. Or atleast hearing or reading about it. Otherwise I sound too much like a stalker.

strongback said...

Oh, and I forgot to add how you could make some lucky nice guy happy by being his cute and funny date/girlfriend. And all the happiness that it can entail.

Bitsy said...

Thanks to everyone for commenting! Now, let me for once try and respond to all of you... *ahem*

Lori: I'm coming around to this line of thinking too. Someday I hope I will have earned the trust and friendship of some like minded trans women with whom I can share all the joy and pain this experience has brought me.

Julie-Anne: Thanks, hon. It's hard sometimes not to feel bad even when you know you can't control something. My family is hurting, they tell me it's all my fault, and so it's very difficult not to ignore it. I'm working through it though, day by day.

Renee: It does TOTALLY feel like high school. I feel like these catty bitches want to rag on me because I don't look super cute and attract all the boys. Give me a break! I wish I could kick them out. Give me your tranny card, bitches! You are OUT of the club!

Amanda: What helps the depression is having people like you posting and empathizing. Thanks, lady!

Dr. Morbius: WTF!?! This keeping up with the joneses business disgusts me. Is this really how some of our community works? Do I not count unless I plunk down obscene amounts of cash so I can potentially look like a burn victim from planet fishface? Ick! I'm seriously almost considering refusing FFS just on principal now.

Strong: You are the man, sir. Thanks for always knowing the right thing to say. I'm sort of in solitude mode now and I try not to get my hopes up but, you're right, hopefully one day a man will waltz into my life and see me for who I am and love the whole package.

riftgirl said...

Groan... I'm sick of this whole "trannier than thou" attitude as well. But the incident that I think you're speaking of is the first I've come across where a trans woman is accused of not being trans and faking it because she doesn't act "tranny" enough. That was so ridiculous; our lives and personalities are as unique as our transitions. But upon checking up on some of the folks doin' the hating, I couldn't help but notice their "friends" were tranny porn stars or wannabes, whereas the woman in question is quite the opposite.

Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't. It's time for a revolution.

Bitsy said...

@rift: I never heard anyone accuse a trans girl of being an impostor either. It was almost laughable but the implication that, once again, there's only one way to do the tranny dance made that laugh turn into a growl.

I'll leave the porn star factor alone so as not to come off as too much the judgmental bitch but, oh baby, a revolution is in order. Not sure how to revolutionize things but, eh, let's wing it and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

If you ever want to chat with another lost and confused tranny in her late 20s, e-mail me!
economan12 at