Monday, August 11, 2008

sleep, no you're never gonna get it

I had a plan to write something very serious about stealth and why it's bad for the environment... or bad for fluffy bunnies... definitely bad for something BUT then I took powdery stuff my doctor gave me, put it in this drinky drink, and then dranky drank it. The powdery stuff is tryptophan and a whole mess of it too. You know what tryptophan is, right? It's the stuff that's in the thanksgiving turkey that makes you come over all sleepy satisfied. You see it raises your serotonin levels and mine have, well, I think I've been lacking some serotoniny goodness. That's the stuff that makes with the happy. It's why people take anti-depressants. I should probably take anti-depressants... but that's neither here nor there. The point is I am giggly. I'm not sleepy. Sleepy would be best but am I the sort of someone to turn away giggly? No siree bob. Not I, said the bear. I likes it! I gives it a hug. I smoosh you, sir giggles.

Hey! You! Yes, you. You should watch the Middleman cuz it's silly and I like it. Go torrent it right now. Well, not right now. I'm still talking. How rude... Do you think I should take anti-depressants? I dunno, hoss. I'm scared of them. My doctor said I looked "stressed" today which is doctor speak for "HO! You look like SHIT!". Then I was all "I did glance in a mirror on my way out the door, home slice. You don't have tell me I got kapowed! repeatedly by the ugly stick today." Then I went home. It's an eventful life, mine.

I have tinnitus. Did I mention that? It's the other reason I can't sleep. There's this loud ringing in both my ears and it's never ever going away. It's not the coolest surprise early birthday present I ever got and no one gave me the receipt so now I'm stuck with it because it's not really the sort of thing you regift, ya know?

I shouldn't post this but I'm going to anyway. Think of this as a glimpse into my subconscious and, turns out, my subconscious can on occasion be a bouncy castle of fun. Who knew? Whee!


Lori D said...

Bouncy castle of fun? Yay! But I can't hear a g***mn thing either. Too many rock concerts back in the 80s. "RRRRRRRRINNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!"
is all I hear in the quiet.

strongback said...

mood swings can be loads of fun, when you're at the top I just worry about when you come down. But you do dish out even more tasty nuggets of insanity when your tired high. So its fun for me for now.

I don't have tinits but I don't have full hearing either with my years near loud tractors on the farm. Atleast it will give you another excuse to act bitchy to people you don't like wit less repercussions.

I hope you got some nice presents for b-day too. I bet you will have many more b-days, but they will be much happier.

Julie-Anne said...

Glad to hear you're feeling happy!

Now send me some of that happiness- if I don't get into a chemistry course this fall, I just might lose a year of school... :-(

riftgirl said...

Isn't tryptophan also the stuff that knocks the boys out after they've... uh... well... eerrr... had their fill, so ta speak?

Luka said...

Fill of what? Turkey? Chicks? Waldorf salad?

Speak up girl, we can't hear you here in the back.