Sunday, August 10, 2008


So, hey...

I realize I've been extremely doom and gloom up in here which has probably led to either lots of worry or much with the rolling of eyes. Today was shaping up to be another all new low, full of moaning and crying and some third not good -ing thing. Let me tell you the stupid thing that happened that brought me out of it.

You all know I'm Buffy obsessed, right? I've made that pretty clear, haven't I, what with the fests and all? It shouldn't surprise you that I planned to comfort myself with watching of the show and eating of the cream that is iced then. Sure, you might scratch your head when I say I chose Season 4 of all things to indulge my craving but, hey, I haven't watched much of it other than the Faith two parter (love it!) in a really long time. Anyway, I hunkered down, pint in hand, and started right at the beginning with the crappy season opener and the roommate who listens to Cher's "Do you believe?" over and over again. Yeah... not the best of Buffy times but, you know, it's still Buffy getting her slay on and being my hero so it's all good in the Whedon hood.

Then I start getting really down. I'm in one of those "Why can't I be Buffy?" moods. It doesn't take a whole lot of extended thought to realize that what I really want is to be 5'1", 95 pounds, blonde, and be boinking the undead (the broody one, if you were wondering where my ship sailed*). So anyway, I start getting mopier than Willow right after Oz slept with Veruca, the skanky werewolf of doom and bad 90's music (kind of the same thing, no?) but there's something amiss. I'm watching Buffy be romanced and I'm wanting so badly to be her and then I realize that this is season 4... and that means I am wanting to be seduced by Riley. FUCKING. Finn. Oh, hells no!

That right there? Snapped me right out of my funk. I was pining for Mr. Potato Head (long story) and that was just, well, crazy. I could justify any of the other major Buffy beaus but him? No. No way. Nah-ah. Nix. Nein. Noooooooooooooo.....oooooooo. No.

And, just like that, the pendulum swung back towards happy and all it took was some serious Marc Blucas mockery. So when you think of me tonight, think of me as I am when there's Buffy afoot: full of glee and just a little glib when the corn fed Iowa boy is involved. Observe:

I'm the one on the right, just in case you got confused and thought I suddenly grew a pair of massive boobs. Alas, no boobs for me. And, you know what? Have another just so it seems like I occasionally have friends to hang out with.

See that? Not one, but two other people! it's almost as though *gasp* I have a social life. Almost... le sigh.

* if you are into the Spuffy... we're gonna have to have words.


Lori D said...

Heh, I gotta try this Buffy thing.
You look great.

jennybean122 said...

I know you don't know me, but I first wanted to tell you I enjoy your blog and videos, I feel so sad that you are going through a tough time. I know you may not answer this and I completely understand, I'm very wary of people myself, not knowing their intentions or if they are sincere or not.

Anyway, I can assure you I'm just your average, nothing special girl. That being said, I read your blog tonight and I saw your pictures, and I just had to tell you that you are very pretty more pretty than I think you realize. You shouldn't get so down on yourself, you just need to see what others see. Even my husband was like Wow she is a very pretty girl! I have no penny in this well, and nothing to gain from telling you this, I just wanted you to know you should be proud of you!

Well, I just wanted to tell you that, and I'm even debating on sending this message because I don't want you to think I'm some dumbass that sends random messages. lol I just hate seeing another woman have a bad self image.

Hope you feel better soon. :-)

Bitsy said...

Yeah, Buffy is awesome sauce. And thank you! I was feeling pretty confident that day and that tends to go a long way.

Julie-Anne said...

Those are some really nice pics! You look really happy.

You should tell us about Buffyfest! I'm just barely familiar with the word Buffy lol

Renee said...

Good call about Angel. And what's the beef with Season 4; it's not the worst might not even be the second worst season, by my recollection.

Why the hell would you want to give up being brunette? This makes no sense to me.

You do look great in those photos. Not in a "pretty good" way, but in a "I can't believe it's not butter" way.

Bitsy said...

hey julie! there's not much to tell on the buffyfest front but I'll try and post about it sometime soonish while it's still kind of fresh and crispy in my mind. And, yes, I was very happy. That's the happiest I've been I think this whole year.

Bitsy said...

Oh, Renee, you know as much as I do how pictures lie. I feel goodish about these though because you can actually see part of my body in them which most of us trannies in training tend to shy away from. Still, I'm sure I don't look anywhere near that convincing in person.

and I actually like season four it's just that most people I know are very down on it. I just think it suffers from the lamest big bad of them all and, yeah, Riley... not a fan.

David Boreanaz, on the other hand... mmmmm hot, salty goodness.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bitsy, you know, you look better than you think you do. Pictures may lie a bit, I know that well, but there's always the foundation of truth behind them. You fit in with your two friends so well that no one would even look twice except to look at the 3 hot chicks together! You just need more confidence in yourself! And as for boob size, there's lots of small breasted women out there, that's just genetics.

Anonymous said...

Awww, no love for the Spike man? I must admit, when the whole Buffy/Spike thing started, I wasn't sure about it - but I ended up *ahem* enjoying that a whole lot more than Buffy/Angel, sorry to say.
Yes, I'm into Spuffy...

But I've always been more of a Giles girl, myself. It's a shame they never gave him a better romantic interest than the unfortunate Jenny Calendar (and no, I don't count Joyce - that was the candy!) I became quite the blushing, tongue-tied fangirl when I actually got the opportunity to meet Tony Head himself.

So, hm, moving on from the Buffy-gushing - the photos are great, and I suspect it's possible your social life is busier than mine. Hanging out with two friends at the same time! *jealous* ;-)

Bitsy said...

Oh, Khyri, the Spuffy... I find it evil and wrong. I hate it so much that I don't even consider seasons six and seven canonical. As far as I'm concerned, Buffy jumped from Glory's rickety ass tower to her doom thus saving the world for the last time.

My friends and I ADORE the Buffy/Angel because it is all tragic romance... and because Angel is soooooo hot. He is the hottest hottie in hottie town.

Giles had a cool girlfriend for two episodes named Olivia but Hush happened, she got freaked out, and was never heard from again. Tony Head definitely has a quality. I especially love his voice. When he sings? Oh my goodness. I come on all hot and sweaty just thinking about it.

Yup. Just a little obsessed with this show.

Anonymous said...

cool blog

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'd forgotten all about Olivia. She was cool, but not right for him. That was the season where they discover Giles singing in the coffeehouse, yes?

I need to save up for the DVDs. It's been so long... plus then I can share them with friends who are not as 'educated' in the Buffyverse. :-)

Renee said...

Candids like that are harder to fake. You look good, and while yes, IRL is going to expose some things, from where I set, it looks like you have everything you need to be very successful in transition.

I really thought Glory was lamer than Victor. I wasn't much of a fan of Jasmine either. Must be something about the uber-powerful goddesses that just doesn't work for me.

Do you watch Bones? Because I can't stand it. And it sucks, because I wants me some Boreanaz on a weekly schedule. But not this way.

Renee said...

Shit, I mean Adam, not Victor. I'm not sure what I was thinking. But I do actually...I was thinking of Victor Frankenstein, of course.

Since I'm here already, I should point out that the word "set" should have been "sit" in my comment. Typing too damned fast for my own good I guess.

riftgirl said...

I hate to say it, but I'm even more of an Angel fan... I loved Buffy and the Scoobies, but my heart just had to follow Cordelia. And sadly enough, I'm following the new comic, too... (as well as Buffy, Season 8 by Joss da Man Himself). Of course, I'd drop 'em all if I could knock boots with Tara... Why can't I be that ethereal? Huh, why????

Glad to see ya comin' out of da funk, darling. And you look fabulous!

Bitsy said...

rift - Holy fucking fuck. I too followed Cordelia who is. my. HERO. Gorgeous, takes no bullshit, and always says what she means. In my eyes she can do no wrong (except for that time in season two when she had that horrible shag, remember? Oh, and when she went blond at the end of season three, what the fuck was that about? I also hate the tinkly piano music of ConCord sex but that was Jasmine's doing so Cordy is off the hook).

I, too, am reading both comics (and the Spike one which, it turns out, is important to the Angel plot even though Brian Lynch said it wouldn't be, that bastard). Set some time aside, girl. Seriously. I totally want to talk Buffy with you for it is my favorite pastime.

I also carry the torch for Tara in a serious way. I'd expand on that but this post is already long and could easily go on FOREVER.

Luka said...

You girls need to get over that peroxide fixation of yours. As I told Rifty, gentlemen really prefer brunettes. In fact I didn't think of Ms Gellar as cute at all until she appeared in Cruel Intentions.

And Amberdarleene is right. My primitive male brain does indeed see three cuties in a row. Uh... guess the glasses have to be the tie breaker.