Thursday, August 21, 2008

all the ladies in the house say wtfbbq!?

Oh, stupid marketing how, you know.... stupid you are. I mean I get how it's hard for society to give up on the whole blue is for boys and pink is for girls thing but there are days when the line just gets crossed in a way that is simultaneously extremely offensive and incredibly hilarious. You just never know what product might suddenly and inexplicably be geared toward the women folk. Oh, look, I brought a picture for show and tell:

Just take a minute to soak that image in. Do you see what I see? I mean am I delirious and loopy crazy hoo hoo insane-o? I can't be seeing what I'm seeing, can I? Are they for serious trying to sell me their sleeping pills by titling their product "Sleep Pretty in Pink" and making the box shaped like a pink purse with flowers on it?

Does this work for any of you? Can you think of a single woman on the face of the Earth who would look at the pretty sleeping pills and think "sold"? I don't know who the brain trust is who cooked up this scheme but, if they could see me now, they would most assuredly bear witness to my slowly and sarcastically clapping and saying something like "Oh, bravo, sir. Bra....vo."


strongback said...
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strongback said...

Like you never bought something that had a weird tie in to buffy, or another wierd tie in. Often times the only thing differentiating products is price and packaging. Take those sleep aids maybe the "pink" help sell. Although I get the feeling your more aggravated by the thought that women have to be girly girls, or corporate feel you should be. Money is the bottom line if we don't like something or the idea behind it don't buy it. there should be a better alternative. But it can be fun to rage against the machine and point out life's little idiosyncrasies. keep strong.

riftgirl said...

Isn't the packaging for Charmin pink? Hmmm? ;-)

Pine Point Memoirs said...

Lovely. I very nearly just gagged.
This is somehow even worse than those *pink* toolboxes with little plastic kiddie handles.
"Go sleepy-bye clutching your little pink pill purse!!"

Heathercam said...

I'll bet this would be a big hit at the Republican National Convention. Oh, wait, they have the candidates to put them to sleep ;)
oops.. I'm not trying to get political.. sometimes I just can't resist the snark. :}
I have a DVD of old TV ads from the 50s & 60s and there was one for "COPE" know, ...for the LADIES... I bet that cam in pink too (the ad was B&W) I think they used to call it "mother's little helper". How far we've come... :p