Tuesday, October 28, 2008

flip the script

Why, hello there!

I'd love to give you an update on my life but, regrettably, there's not much of one to give. I am really hoping that at the beginning of next week I'll have something hopeful and happy to report. In the interim, however, I was wondering if you wonderful blog buddies might do me a solid? It's not a major solid, As solids go it's actually pretty... uh... loose? Yeah, no idea where I was going with that one.

Anyway! Every so often so as to make me feel like I have some creative juices running through my very visible veins (seriously, if I were a super hero I'd be See Thru Girl It's kind of gross) I participate in this competition. Under normal circumstances, you are given a week to write a fifteen page screenplay using a preselected genre and subject. On this occasion, however, you have 48 hours to pen a five page script where there's preselected genre, location, and random object that must be involved (I know what you're thinking and get your minds out of the gutter, you filthy beasts).

So.. yeah! I participated and I am looking for some feedback. I'm not going to provide any qualifiers about whether or not I like my own work. I'm looking for some straight up now tell me is it gonna be you and me forever, oh oh oh, Paula Abdul, kind of honesty. Think you can handle it? Sure you can, because you're awesome. Um, please? I will be super grateful to anyone who even thinks about reading it. Approval: I crave it.

Here's the deets:

Genre: Romance
Location: Psychiatrist's Office
Object: A Vending Machine
My scripty poo: Crisps

And now I must go and torment myself with political nonsense. Yee gads I can't wait for this election to be over. I'm outie 5000.

edit: it seems that mediafire is not a great server. If you want to read the script between now and when I find an alternate server, drop me an email or comment and I will email it to you. Sound fair?

double edit: it's working now. Go for it, internet homies!


strongback said...

I would give your script a looksy through but I cant find yor email address on your blog anywhere. Maybe I will try your youtube account. good luck. Oh did you try for the potentioal job with said friend? anything happen with that?

Pine Point Memoirs said...

You just made my night. I LOVED it, I think it's absolutely brilliant.
MORE MORE MORE write MORE!!!!!!! I want more.

Unknown said...

Most excellent script, STG! But does finding the diamond ring mean romance, or simply destined to be a crisps factory worker?

Jamie said...

Without the septum-piercing reference placing the office scene in the present, and without revealing older Gwen's face, the script would have gained more ambiguity in the interpretation - was this Gwen at different stages of life - in which case does the crisp packet make it back to the past somehow and what does that make Charlie (very twilight zone), and in this case what happened between the ring being found and sent away - or it could have been interpreted as fate that the ring found another Gwen, a separate person to the older Gwen. The director could either choose a scenario, or through ambiguous mis-en-scene allow the audience to decide. Both scenarios are intriguing and suggest guiding forces and something big taking care of us all, helping us find the match we were created for. Both make me wonder what happened to older Gwen and her ring-giver.

For me, the reserved, clean dialog, names, and use of "crisps" evoked a British setting, which jived with Jonathon's reserved attitude and sudden spluttered attempt at making a connection. I thought that worked really well, but this could be an interpretation due to my cultural background - for all I know "mate" and "crisps" are used in some parts of the U.S. To me they scream England. Since England to me as an Australian carries connotations of otherness, I can place it as a world in which freaky coincidences, the hand of fate, or sci-fi time-traveling crisps really can exist. England to me is a place where second-chances may be granted by angels to a couple meant to be together, or alternatively a land where lovers are forced to live out the bittersweet arc of their romances again and again.

For a 48 hour effort it's terrific. It gave me a real emotional reaction. I'd love to see what you come up with when given free reign.

And I'll just cap all that off by saying I know absolutely nothing about script writing, so take that into consideration if I have completely missed the point. At least you know it made me think, and that must mean it's damn good.

alan said...


Author! Author!

I loved it, each and every scene. In my mind I could see it as a "5 minute movie" like the ones they run on IFC!


Anonymous said...

A lovely story.

"Scene 4 : Dr Hilbert's Office"
Are Dr Hibert and Charlie having that conversation in front of Gwen?
Is the scene in his office or waiting room?

Just asking.

I really liked it.

Judith B said...

hey, if you can wait till sunday or a couple days after that, I'd love to give it a read.
my email is judithmiquela6@gmail.com

take care

Julie-Anne said...

Good stuff!

alan said...

Missing you...

Thinking of you...

Hope all is well!
