Thursday, July 24, 2008

videos, oh yeah

I went back to the well and did a response video to Winwin's Quirkaliciousness Video (and Part 2) because, hey, maybe you thought I wasn't quirky enough. For those of you doubters, please feel free to enjoy a video wherein I show a further glimpse of how odd I may be.

Not really anything moving or serious to add to this video other than that all of it is 100% true. I really did wear my Doctor Who scarf everywhere. In fact, I am part of a Doctor Who group that gets together twice a month (this is what passes for a social activity on Planet Lily).

Alright, I never wanted to change my name to Buffy. I did, however, want to change it to Cordelia Chase. Can you blame me? Bitch is fierce!


Renee said...

I actually used the name Charisma for a while? How pretentious is that?

Bitsy said...

Don't you mean "How awesome is that?" I guess, in the end, neither of is bitchtastic enough to earn that moniker. We'll just have to settle on worshiping at the alter of Cordy. All hail the Queen Bitch!

Renee said...

You know, I love Cordy, but I think Fred eventually overtook her in my heart. But I really love Wesley, so perhaps that's the connection...

I just now watched your video. And the thing you describe The Goonies? I have the same problem when I try to show people Re-Animator.

And yes, I'm that bored tonight that I'm just flitting from blog to blog dropping comments everywhere.

David Tennant's not bad either...for a long time I preferred Eccleston (at least as far as this new run goes), but I think D.T. has supplanted him now.

You don't look like a boy.

Bitsy said...

Fred?!?! F'reals? I hate her and Wesley with the fire of a thousand angry suns. I was so happy that they both died. Also? I want to be Illyria when I grow up but I don't think I can rock that outfit. Maybe someday when I stop eating for a year. Seriously, the bitch is thin, god damn!

Re-Animator should appeal to everyone forever as should Evil Dead. This is all I can say on the matter.

There's a good chance I will out bored you this evening. It is damn near three in the AM and I am wide awake. Whee!

Renee said...

I have the rest of the weekend off, so who knows, maybe this'll be a marathon game of blog commenting. Not likely though. I have three hours of electro tomorrow...during which I know I won't be sleeping.

Evil Dead is kind of a local favorite, me being a Michigan gal and all, and Bruce & Co. being natives. A friend of mine's uncle is actually in part two...he's the redneck guy that gets squicked by Henrietta.

It occurs to me that, as much as I do like Fred, her name would not have been a good one to adopt. Illyria might not be bad though. ;)