Wednesday, July 23, 2008

videos forthcoming

Alright! Time to get back to business. Well, almost. I'll do it later. What? I'm a procrastinator! How else do you explain middle aged transitioning? Yeesh...

But, seriously, a big thank you to every single one of you for taking the time to comment and share warm, friendly words, give advice, and just be really genuinely caring. I've spent so many years quietly going it alone that I never imagined how wonderful it would be to have others around who actually understood all the insanity going through my hormone addled brain. My whole outlook is much improved and it's all thanks to you.

So, what's new? Anything? Nothing much on my end, really. I'm very anxiously awaiting to hear whether or not I'll be receiving extended unemployment benefits. I'm almost completely broke and the job market sucks even if you aren't straddling the gender chasm. The truth is that I won't be homeless and I won't be starving because, *ahem*, I am living with my family. The downside is that, uh, they kind of hate me (A transsexual whose parents think she's an abomination? Unheard of!) and no money means no hormones or testosterone blockers. That's bad. That's oh so very, very bad. Intensely bad. Not good. Yeah. So, I'm just a little stressed about that. Anyone living in the New York area that knows where I can get any kind of employment, give a tranny a shout, would ya?

With that in mind I am, for the most part, living the hardcore hermit lifestyle. It's kind of difficult to go out and do things when you don't have a penny to your name. I am, however, forcing myself to partake of occasional weekend excursions. This weekend my friends are hosting our annual Buffyfest down at their beach house. Aside from the minimal cash that needs spending, it's also one of the things I most look forward to each year. It's a nice excuse to get together, eat, get drunk, and watch episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer which is quite possibly the greatest television show ever.

Yes, these are the same friends who have kind of been walking a thin line with me lately but, good news, they are working on it. I anticipate a lack of misery inducing commentary this weekend. Yay! No misery is my favorite thing. I'm also hoping to take some video of the event to share with all of you so it will seem as though I occasionally have a life.

And while I'm on a Buffy bend: did you know that I contribute to a Buffy related blog? It's true and oh so pathetic! But also awesome. Feel free, if you are a Buffy fan, to take a gander every now and again. I'm usually not big on posting there but, lately, I've been on a kick and, if you are jonesing for a little more Lily in your life then the Buffyfest Blog is the way to go. There are awful, old pictures of me and even some videos (gasp!) lurking somewhere in them thar pages.

That, I suppose, is all for now. Thank you all again for being super, awesome, amazing, wonderful, awesome again, internet homies! I don't know what I'd do without you. Mwah!

Edit: Oh, alright. Here's an idea of the shenanigans I get into when I'm on that other blog.


Lori D said...

Glad to see you strength has returned, girlfriend. I feel the same way about other friends picking me up when i need a hand. They don't "stand up and walk out on me." When I need an ear to sing a song to, they "lend me their ear", and I "try not to sing out of key."

Anyway, enough babbling. Liked the buffy vid. Again, you look super!

Renee said...
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Renee said...

Buffy is perhaps the second greatest Tv show of all time...the best was Angel. Whedon had hit his stride by then, and apart from the whole Jasmine storyline, Angel was consistently awesome.

Wesley's last few lines of dialogue on the show were perhaps the saddest thing ever. I've almost been afraid to go back and watch it since starting HRT. :)

(Okay, I'll cop to out, I probably rank Deadwood higher than both, but Al Swearengen is perhaps the greatest character ever created for the small screen.)

I'm crossing my fingers about Dollhouse...not that it'll be any good, because Whedon has never failed me, but that it'll catch on and not suffer like Firefly did. TV without a Joss series is like...something without its best part.

strongback said...

Buffy was very cool. Whedon seems to have a great sense of humor. Did you see his little apple short musical Dr. horrible with Doogie(neal patrick harris)as an socially aware evil geniush and nathan fillon as a jerky superhero. It was wicked funny. hope you got the free see.

strongback said...

Also thanks in advance for posting more videos, I don't know how my summer could have progressed without your little nuggets of insanity. May you blog again soon and often.