Tuesday, July 1, 2008

like flicking a light switch. well, almost.

Chalk this one up to life always somehow managing to be able to surprise you but, suddenly and without warning, I am into dudes. Go ahead and read that sentence again. It's weird, right?

It's not like I was thinking about it or anything. I was just watching television and said to myself "Wow, that guy sure is hot". My hands literally jumped to my mouth. I looked down at my dog and was all "Maggie, I didn't just say what I think I just said, did I?" But I had.

It started to permeate the rest of my life almost immediately. It felt like one day I would be on the train thinking "Get out of the way, dude, I am checking out that girl's ass" and the next it was "His lips are all soft and his chest is all sweaty. Why is that girl wearing leather boots in summer?"

I'd say I'm taking it well. I spend a lot of time talking to my friends about it and laughing. Someone was telling me how much I'm going to enjoy being "full of cock" which had me rolling on the floor. Then I thought about it and realized that, strangely enough, that sounded pretty darn good. What the hell happened? I had been so extremely gay for so long and then it was just over.

Granted, I now have to figure out how to attract straight men and the prospect of the oft mentioned "tranny chaser" has me wary but, all in all, I'm feeling really positive and upbeat. I'd always assumed that very little would change in my life other than my presentation of gender. Now I'm slowly re-realizing just how many things that effects. Join me next time as I expand on how weird it is to have people talk to my boobs instead of my face, especially since said boobs are really small.


riftgirl said...

That's really something, bitsy. My sexuality has been kinda all over the board as of late, too - and previously, it's never been questionable. I wonder if it's one of the first signs of the apocalypse?

Bitsy said...

I can think of a few signs that preceded it but, yeah, I do sort of feel like the earth might suddenly split open and fire is going to rain down from the sky. Some of my friends think this is a phase I'm going through which I guess is possible. Then again, my mother thought it was a phase when I would wear her blue, floral print house dress and clomp around in her heels.

The best thing to do is try to laugh at yourself and accept that some things are just completely out of our control.

Psykhe said...

Hi bitsy. I'm not transsexual, I'm a bisexual fella and a ("dum-dum-duuuum") "tranny-chaser" (as I've been labeled by The Community(tm) it seems when I wasn't looking).

Don't hate me just yet, that'll come later, ;-) (kidding).

Yeah, it's strange to suddenly find oneself attracted to some other sex that one wasn't attracted to before. In my case, it just doesn't matter...well, not yet. If one day I decide to take a guy home to meet dear ol' dad, they YEAH, then it will matter and brimstone will fall from the sky, but until then I live one day at a time. Life is good. Should I interject some happy-happy joy-joy stuff here to "perk you up!"?

Nah...of course not. you seem to cool for platitudes. You'll bust me in a minute, lol.

Nice to meet ya.