Sunday, July 13, 2008

A New Blog Rises

Welcome, weary traveler!

With any luck, you've stumbled across this site thanks in part (OK, thanks completely) to a certain Girl of the Rift variety. I'm excited you're here. So excited am I that I'm making this extraneous blog post just for you. Don't you just feel all warm and special?

A lot of what you'll see here can be a little Tranny 101 at times but I hope that it will resonate with you no matter where in the trans spectrum you find yourself. You should *hint hint* absolutely subscribe to my You Tube page. Why? Well, two reasons. One, I crave validation. Two? Um... alright that first one mostly covers it. Oh! OK! Two: Not every video I make will appear simultaneously on this fine blog. Only videos that pertain to something that involves transition, life as a trans woman, or anything else of a serious variety will be posted here. That leaves those other videos I make to appear solely on You Tube. How will you know the difference? Simple, my friend. Look for the hat. Allow me to illustrate:

There! You see that? That's how you'll always know. If I'm wearing that hat, only the most ridiculous nonsensical things will flow freely from my gob. Why am I eating the hat? I was hungry! You know how it is. You're hard up for cash, haven't eaten in a while... hey that hat looks TASTY. I know you understand.

Anyway! Welcome again. Feel free to peruse the archives, such as they are (I only just started) and I look forward to doing many funny blog dances for you in the future!


Nami M. Scott said...

bleat and vlotatoes...

Bitsy said...

ah, yes, bleat and vlotatoes. quite the hearty meal.

Lori D said...

Ahh yes, I too stumbled onto here from the amazing creator of last season's (already?) famous "The 'T' Word" series! I like what a see here too (ahem, no double entendre intended).

Renee said...

Glad I found it...we can thank Lori D for that (I just did elsewhere, in fact).

riftgirl said...

Honey, you have an amazing perspective. And lots and lots of Charmin...